By using the website (hereafter referred to as the ‘Site’), the internet users (hereafter referred to as ‘Users’) can access and browse the site acknowledging that they are aware of, have understood and have accepted the conditions of use (hereafter referred to as the ‘TCU’ – Terms and Conditions of Use).
Edition / Publication >  GBA
Company status: SELARL (Société d’exercice libéral à responsabilité limité, equivalent of a limited liability services company) / Share capital of 121,065 € (one hundred twenty one thousand and sixty five euros)
RCS Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (equivalent of the “Trade and Company Register”) > Rennes n° 493 675 904
Head office > 24 Mail François Mitterrand in Rennes (35000) – France
T > 00 33 2 99 35 12 12
M >
VAT in compliance with intra-EU legislation  > N° FR 05 493 675 904
Director of publication > Benjamin Galic
Web host > OVH
RCS Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (equivalent of the “Trade and Company Register”) > Lille  n° 424 761 419 00045
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Photo credits > © David Caradec >
Video credits > Design / Production > Here We Are –  Maud Bacon & Sidonie Hervé –
The content and the information on the Site are not subject to contract. GBA reserves the right to change unilaterally, wholly or in part, the references and content of the Site, at any moment and in a discretionary manner, without any prior consent.

GBA endeavours to offer its Users of the Site information which is currently available and which has been checked, but GBA cannot be held responsible for any errors, lack of availability or any incomplete nature of the information. GBA does not guarantee the complete exactitude, precision, exhaustiveness, or suitability of any use of or any individual situation of the information made available on the Site, including all information accessible from the Site though any type of device.

The User has sole responsibility for the choice, the use and the interpretation of the data which he/she consults. The Site is of an informative nature and is not in any way meant to replace consultation with a legal expert concerning an individual legal issue.

All the elements of the Site in particular the texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs, tree diagrams, integrated applications, ergonomic and artistic conception, literary works or graphics, interfaces, as well as any other element which is likely to be protected by intellectual property law including the brands and logos, are, unless otherwise mentioned or in the realm of public documents, the exclusive intellectual property of GBA or of its partners.

In this respect, their representations, use, reproductions, changes, interconnections, broadcasting and rebroadcasting, in part or wholly, on any grounds and in whatever form, are forbidden in compliance with the provisions stated in the Intellectual Property Code, in the absence of written authorisation expressing the contrary of the holder of the aforementioned rights. Any person undertaking the use in an unauthorised manner, wholly or in part, of these elements will incur a penalty relative to the offence of counterfeiting accounted for in the Intellectual Property Code.

In any event, on all authorised copies, wholly or partially, of the Site, the following statement must be visible: “All rights reserved to GBA”.

The creation of any hyperlinks indicating the Site has to be agreed upon with the Director of Publication.

GBA cannot be held responsible for the content of the external website links to which the Site is sent, neither for any damage or loss whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly, resulting from access to a third-party website or from its use.

The Users have access to, consult and use the Site and its environment at their own risk.

GBA collects, in accordance with the provisions of French Law n°78/17 of 6 January 1978 known as the “Loi Informatique et libertés” and EU Regulation n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016 known as “GDPR” (hereinafter together the “Applicable Regulations“), the data that Users choose to communicate to it, such as names, addresses, e-mail, etc., and information concerning the use of the Site, in the absence of opposition to the installation of cookies (see Point 6 below).

The transmission to GBA of any contact details by the Users is necessary in the case of additional information requests. In the absence of this, the GBA team is unable to follow up the Users’ requests.

Under the conditions prescribed by the Applicable Regulations, Users have the right at any time to (i) access any data concerning them, (ii) rectify it, (iii) limit the processing of it, (iv) transfer it, (v) have it deleted, (vi) oppose at any time, according to their individual situation, the processing of personal data having as a legal basis the legitimate interests of the law firm and (vii) to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX).

These rights can be undertaken in writing to: GBA, 24 Mail Mitterrand in Rennes (35000), or by e-mail:

GBA is likely to collect different personal data (i) when the Site is being used by each User and (ii) when those Users give such data. Consequently, GBA is likely to process the aforementioned personal data to:

  • deliver information related to the services;
  • compile statistics;
  • follow up possible requests from Users.

GBA ensures the security and confidentiality of the personal data collected. GBA undertakes not to communicate them and/or transfer them to any third party whatsoever, except with the express prior authorisation of the User.

The User is nevertheless informed that GBA may subcontract all or part of the personal data processing operations necessary for the use of the Site. These service providers have an obligation to process personal data in accordance with the Applicable Regulations and present the appropriate guarantees in terms of security.

Personal data is processed and stored in the European Union.

GBA keeps the data in question only for the duration necessary for the operations for which they were collected and in compliance with the Applicable Regulations: for the duration of the contractual relations increased by three (3) years for canvassing purposes (including for prospects, starting from the last exchange), increased by five (5) years for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, for the ten (10) years following the end of the accounting period in terms of accounting.

Cookies are exclusively used to measure the Site ratings and are not used to to make any commercial use of personal data. These cookies have a maximum lifespan of thirteen (13) months after their first deposit in the User’s terminal.

In order to improve the quality of its services and the navigation around the Site, GBA measures the number of pages consulted, the number of visits, as well as the activity of the Users within the Site, and the frequency of their revisits.

GBA uses cookies issued by the server of the Site host. In accordance with the Applicable Regulations, Users have the right to access and the right to oppose allowing them to refuse cookies or to delete them, without this having any influence on the possibility of navigating within the Site.

The browser of the User can also be set up to prevent the recording of cookies, to receive prior notice of the authorisation to set up, oppose or delete cookies from the device (“tools” menu for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari).

Costs linked to the use of the internet when the Site is being consulted are at the Users’ expense, according to the rates and conditions applied by their internet provider.